ea exam pass rate

Again, like many of the best EA review courses, WiseGuides doesn’t publish the pass rate of its users. In fact, Surgent EA is one of the few prep companies to publish their pass rate. Specifically, about 96% of Surgent’s EA users pass their exams.

Part 3 has been described as the easiest part of the EA exam by many. Keep in mind that 20% of EA candidates still fail this part of the exam. For this reason, An EA exam review course is highly recommended. The difficulty level of exams can vary depending on individual perspectives and experiences.

Enrolled Agent Exam Pass Rate FAQs

And thankfully, you can also save money on your course with my enrolled agent course discounts. However, the 15 experimental questions are spread out throughout the test, so you don’t know which ones they are. This means you will want to do your best on ALL of the questions since you don’t know which ones will count toward your score.

ea exam pass rate

And the passing score is a conscious decision of the examiners. If the EA exam pass rates look high to you, that’s because they are. For instance, take a look at how the EA exam pass rates compare to the pass rates of the CPA, CMA, and CIA exams. In addition to your IRS requirements, you will also want to maintain your professional status. Stay familiar with IRS collections, appeals, and audit processes. Network with other enrolled agents and CPAs to keep up to date on the latest developments in federal and state tax issues.

What types of criminal convictions would negatively impact consideration of an application for enrollment? (reviewed 10/19/

If you do not have a social security number, you can apply for your PTIN using Form 8946. With Prometric testing centers all over the world, you do not need to come to the U.S. to test. As part of the evaluation of your enrollment application, the IRS will conduct a suitability check that will include a review of your personal tax compliance and criminal background. Water is allowed in the testing room but it must be in a clear or transparent container with a lid or cap. All labels must be removed, and the container will be inspected for notes or other prohibited test aids. The candidate will need to remove the lid/cap for visual inspection by the Test Center staff.

The yearly view of the ea exam pass rates helps us reach a more accurate understanding of the trends. Instead, Enrolled Agent pass rates tell us that passing the EA exam is completely possible. Basically, if you put the time and effort into your studies, you can be completely ready to pass each part. In this case, the pass rates do seem to indicate relative difficulty in professional accounting exams. Included with Ultimate Pass, exam coaches help you learn how to study efficiently and answer questions accurately.

Exam Dates: EA Exam Part 1

One obvious reason is the overlap of the testing window’s beginning and end with the tax busy season. For individual tax preparation, the busy season ends in April. So, my theory for May’s pass rate slump is that tax preparers are burned out and lack the energy needed to do better on the EA exam. The testing center that administers the exam, Prometric, advises against drawing this conclusion because significant discrepancies in candidate populations exist. For example, Prometric releases the EA pass rates several times a year.

One of the best ways to achieve deep comprehension is to learn from our mistakes. And thankfully, practice questions and their answer explanations equip us to do so during our EA exam Part 1 prep. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the EA exam. This includes pass rates, exam structure, study materials, and strategies to increase your chances of success. In this way, the increased number of strong and successful candidates pushes the pass rates for Part 2 and 3 above those of Part 1, regardless of the exam content. The truth is, comparing CPA vs EA is like comparing apples vs oranges.

If you need to make any corrections, contact Prometric directly. EA Review comes with a mobile app that syncs to your course progress. We give you flexibility for quick study sessions wherever you’d like — a library, train, bus, school or even at home on the couch. Our A.S.A.P.® Technology cuts study time by 40% and makes it easier for students to focus and retain information in the areas they are struggling in. Your EA review course focuses on personal weaknesses and heavily weighted question types.

ea exam pass rate

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